AI in Healthcare

The Impact of AI in Healthcare Diagnostics: Balancing Accuracy and Potential Biases

A recent study published in JAMA delves into the nuanced relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and clinicians’ diagnostic accuracy. The study explores whether systematically biased AI affects diagnostic precision and investigates the potential role of AI model explanations in mitigating errors.

The capabilities of AI in identifying anomalies or diseases from clinical images have been acknowledged in previous research. AI-based tools have demonstrated proficiency in detecting conditions such as diabetic retinopathy, pneumonia, and skin cancer from various medical images.

AI in Healthcare

Potential Benefits and Risks

Integration of AI models in clinical decision-making has shown promise in improving diagnostic accuracy compared to diagnoses without AI. However, the study emphasizes the risk associated with using systematically biased AI models, citing an example where an AI model consistently underdiagnosed heart disease in female patients.

Clinician Guidance and Over-reliance

The study highlights the importance of clinicians appropriately balancing reliance on AI predictions. Over-dependence on biased AI models may adversely impact a clinician’s diagnostic abilities, emphasizing the need for caution in integrating AI into healthcare decision-making.

Role of AI Explanations

Recent efforts have focused on incorporating AI explanations to aid clinicians in understanding the logic behind model predictions. These explanations aim to minimize the development of biased models. The study explores the impact of image-based explanations provided by AI models on diagnostic accuracy.

Study Methodology

A randomized clinical vignette web-based survey involved hospitalist physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners caring for patients with acute respiratory failure. Participants assessed clinical vignettes with and without AI predictions, with or without AI explanations.


The study, based on 1,024 participants, reveals that diagnostic accuracy improves when AI models provide accurate predictions. However, the presence of systematically biased AI predictions diminishes diagnostic accuracy. Surprisingly, AI explanations did not significantly mitigate the impact of biased models on diagnostic accuracy, highlighting the need for comprehensive validation.

User Literacy and Model Training

The study points out that clinicians’ limited AI literacy may hinder their ability to comprehend and consider AI explanations. To enhance user understanding, AI models must be trained to provide clearer image-based explanations.


While AI models and explanations offer enhancements to diagnostic accuracy, the study emphasizes the critical need to address biases in AI predictions. Validation and ongoing training are essential before integrating AI models into clinical settings to ensure their safe and effective use in complex diagnostic tasks.

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